Sunday, July 22, 2007

Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows


After 10 years, Harry Potter finally came to an end. It was a bitter sweet ending. Part of me was sad because there were so many deaths and its like saying goodbye to an old friend, (that's why I didn't finish reading Lord of the Rings Return of the King, I get so emotional). Sweet coz Harry lived a good life and after a long anticipation, I finally get to read the final book.
Book 7 was different. No more muggle scene, fight with the Dursleys (I wonder if Dudley and Harry eventually became friends), then on to Hogwarts, Sorting Hat, Quiditch. It plainly revolves on Harry's quest for the Horcruxes and knowing more about the Deathly Hallows. I don't wanna divulge the whole story, so I might just drop some hint here and there.
References from the previous 6 books were quite nostalgic. Book 7 also tells more about Albus Dumbledore, who he was before he became Hogwarts headmaster. And my favorite part of the book was Severus Snape's story. I never really liked him, till now.
I cried when Fred Weasley died. Having a twin sister, that just plain breaks my heart. As well as Tonks and Lupin, Mad Eye Moony, Dobby and Hedwig.
I'm glad that JK Rowling decided to have an epilogue, although I would have loved to know more about the other characters, I'm just glad that everything worked out for the best.
A great book as this only comes once in a lifetime, I wonder if there will come another book that would be as great...

Our HARRY POTTER collection.

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