Tuesday, July 31, 2007


Would you eat something you know a RAT cooked?

The irony of the movie Ratatouille. Despite of my FEAR of those black (brown or white doesn't matter, its still a rat), hairy (icky, scary, creepy) monsters... i mean creatures, I went on and watch the movie with my sisters.

Ratatouille is about Remy, a rat, who has a(n) uber sensitive smell and tastebuds. Unlike his kind who are satisfied with human's left overs, Remy wanted to create food and be a chef (which is rather crazy (a rat cooking, are you nuts?). He was given this opportunity when he met Linguine, a boy who lack the talent of cooking. Together they try to save Gusteau's despite of Skinner who wants to commercialize the restaurant through microwavable foods, Ego whose critics cause Gusteau's death and the fact that Remy is a rat.

Although I found the movie cute and Remy o-kay (thats the nicest I can do, sorry even hamsters I REFUSE TO LOOK AT LET ALONE TOUCH.), I would still scream bloody murder and faint when faced with a real-living Remy cooking in my kitchen.

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